Persian-Bosnian College campus​

“Persian-Bosnian Boarding College” campus is located in Ljesevo, Ilijas City. There are three main sections in this complex: “Bahar” preschool, “Golestan” elementary school, and “Persian-Bosnian” high school. The activity hours of the complex are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and high school students can use the dormitory of the complex after finishing classes.

Campus facilities

Musical activities at Behar

Musical activities are important for children because of the different sounds that are produced by manipulating them. Through the mentioned

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Dan majki je projekt kojim uprava Kampusa PBK ukazuje na vrijednost i položaj žene u društvu. Datum koji je odabran

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Sedmica Poslanika je projekt koji se realizira povodom dana rođenja posljednjeg Božijeg Poslanika Muhammeda a.s. Ovaj projekt je vezan za